1. Andrews, A. E.; Bruhwiler, L.; Crotwell, A.; Dlugokencky, E. J.; Hahn, M. P.; Hirsch, A. I.; Kitzis, D. R.; Lang, P. M.; Masarie, K. A.; Michalak, A. M.; Miller, J. B.; Novelli, P. C.; Peters, W.; Tans, P. P.; Thoning, K. W.; Vauchn, B. H.; Zhao, C. InClimate Monitoring and Diagnostic LaboratorySummary Report No. 27; Conway, T. J., Ed.; National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce: Boulder, CO, 2003; p 32.
2. Aliphatic Poly(urethane−amine)s Synthesized by Copolymerization of Aziridines and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide