1. Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Sem Saelandsvei 26, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
2. Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033, Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
3. Department of Drug Science and Technology and NIS, Centre for Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces, University of Turin, Via P. Giuria 9, 10125 Turin, Italy
4. Department of Chemistry, NIS Interdepartmental Centre and INSRM Reference Centre, University of Turin, via Quarello 15A, I-10135 Turin, Italy
5. Science Institute and Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Iceland, VR-III, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland