1. Detail Specification Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Kerosene Type JP-8 (NATO F-34), NATO F-35, and JP-8 + 100 (NATO F-37); MIL-DTL-83133F, April 11, 2008, and references within.
2. AirBP The history of jet fuel.http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=4503664&contentId=57733(accessed January 26, 2010).
3. Edwards, J. T., USAF, AFRL, Propulsion Directorate, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, personal communication to T. J. Bruno.
4. Bruno, T. J., Huber, M. L., Laesecke, A., Lemmon, E. L., McLinden, M. O., Outcalt, S. L., Perkins, R. A., Smith, B. L., and Widegren, J. A.Thermodynamic, Transport, and Chemical Properties of “Reference” JP-8, NISTIR 6659; 2009.
5. Bruno, T. J.Thermodynamic, Transport, and Chemical Properties of “Reference” JP-8; Final Report, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, MIPR-F1ATA06004G004; 2010.