1. Department of Nanocatalysis, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences v.v.i, Dolejškova 3, 18223 Prague, Czech Republic
2. Department of Low Dimensional Systems, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences v.v.i, Dolejškova 3, 18223 Prague, Czech Republic
3. Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, 17. Listopadu 12, 77900 Olomouc, Czech Republic
4. Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague, Czech Republic
5. Department of Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences v.v.i, Dolejškova 3, 18223 Prague, Czech Republic
6. Department of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague, Czech Republic
7. Normandie Univ., ENSICAEN, UNICAEN, CNRS, Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie, 14000 Caen, France
8. ETH Zürich, Vladimir-Prelog Weg 1, Zürich 8093, Switzerland
9. CNR-ICCOM, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, via G. Moruzzi 1, Pisa 56124, Italy
10. Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland