1. APIMONDIA. Apimondia Statement on Honey Fraud, 2020, https://www.apimondia.com/en/documents/apimondia_statement_on_honey_fraud.pdf.
2. Codex
Alimentarius Commission. Revised Codex
Standard for Honey (Adopted
in 1981, Revisions 1987 and 2001); CODEX STAN 12–1981; 2001.
3. National Standards of the People’s
Republic of China. National Food Safety
Standard on Honey; GB 14963–2011; Beijing, China, 2011.
4. National Standards of the People’s
Republic of China. Method for the
Determination of Carbon-4 Plant Sugar in Honey by the Stable Carbon
Isotope Ratio Method; GB/T 18932.1–2002; Beijing, China, 2002.
5. National Standards of the People’s
Republic of China. Detection of High
Fructose Starch Syrup in Honey by Thin Layer Chromatography; GB/T 18932.2–2002; Beijing, China, 2002.