1. World Steel Association. Steel’s Contribution to a Low Carbon Future, World Steel Position Paper;World Steel Association:Brussels Belgium, 2011; http://www.worldsteel.org/publications/position-papers/Steel-s-contribution-to-a-low-carbon-future.html(accessed Jan 15, 2012) .
2. Iron Nugget Xchange. Tomorrow’s Ironmaking;Iron Nugget Xchange:Tokyo, Japan, 2011; http://www.ironxch.com/technology03.html(accessed Feb 20, 2012) .
3. National Slag Association. The Construction Material of Choice;National Slag Association:Wayne, PA, 2011; http://ebookbrowse.com/nsa-blast-furnace-brochure-pdf-d106121148(accessed Feb 20, 2012) .
4. Chemical and mineralogical characterizations of LD converter steel slags: A multi-analytical techniques approach
5. World Coal Association. Coal and Steel Statistics;World Coal Association:London, U.K., 2011; http://www.worldcoal.org/resources/coal-statistics/coal-steel-statistics/(accessed Feb 20, 2012) .