A román Polgári törvénykönyvről, hatálybalépésének tizedik évfordulóján


Veress Emőd1ORCID


1. Universitatea „Sapientia” din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Științe și Arte, Departamentul de Științe Juridice (Cluj-Napoca, România); Institutul de Cercetări Juridice Mádl Ferenc (Buadpesta, Ungaria)


Romania’s Civil Code, which entered into force in 2011, is ten years old. It is essential to evaluate the codification results to assess the impact of the reform and the possible directions for its correction. The study reviews the circumstances and the objectives of the drafting of the Code. It draws attention to the positive aspects of the drafting of the Code and its innovative characteristics and points out several potential problems. It also indicates that the time is ripe for the first significant amendment following the entry into force of the Code. The Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional the rule that a person who, because of mental retardation or insanity, lacks the capacity of discernment necessary to pursue his or her interests must be subject to a judicial interdiction. Instead of a judicial interdiction, a more equitable and gradual protection system for persons lacking the capacity to reason should be devised.


Universitatea Sapientia din municipiul Cluj-Napoca

Reference14 articles.

1. "1. Mihail Eliescu: Aplicarea legii civile în timp și în spațiu = Tratat de drept civil. Vol. I. Partea generală, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, București, 1967.

2. 2. Constantin Hamangiu, Ion Rosetti-Bălănescu, Alexandru Băicoianu: Tratat de drept civil român, vol. I, All Beck, București, 2002.

3. 3. Harmathy Attila: A szerződések felfogásának változása és a választottbíráskodás, Jogtudományi Közlöny, 1977/12.

4. 4. Kuncz Ödön: A jog birodalma. Bevezetés a jog- és államtudományba, második, átdolgozott és bővített kiadás, Grill Károly Könyvkiadóvállalata, Budapest, 1946.

5. 5. Constantin Nacu: Comparațiune între Codul civil român și Codul Napoleon, Editura Librăriei Leon Alcalay, București, é. n.








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