Cellular aging and immunity


Zhelavskyi M. M.ORCID,Kernychnyi S. P.ORCID,Dmytriv O. Ya.ORCID,Betlinska T. V.ORCID


Science is constantly evolving and updated with current data on cell biology. The cellular aging phenomenon should be considered an evolutionary mechanism of the biological regulation of all living organisms. Factors initiating cellular aging are variable. Each cell type can respond differently to the activation factors of cellular aging. In recent decades, science has been supplemented with new data that provide a deeper understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms of cellular aging and the formation of immune homeostasis. There is a real prospect of using effective means of its regulation. In recent years, scientists have come close to discovering the mechanisms of cellular aging. Factors and mechanisms of cell regeneration are more deeply revealed. Scientists are also better aware of the phylogeny and ontogenesis of immune processes and the role of immune factors in developing pathologies. Researchers are increasingly focusing on modern diagnostic methods and xenotherapy. However, the specific factors of immunoregulation and the interaction of microphages, macrophages, and lymphocytes with other body cells are not yet fully understood. Accordingly, this requires further in-depth study. This review reviews the current literature on cellular aging and its regulatory mechanisms. The authors also present the results of their research on the mechanisms of immune responses in reproductive pathology. They draw parallels with modern scientific theories and interpret research. We will also focus on the issues that need to be addressed in the near future for the progressive development of this field of science. Thus, the study of the mechanisms of cellular aging and the development of effective means of hay therapy today requires further painstaking work. Despite significant advances in preclinical studies, many questions remain about the practical use of the drugs. This is especially true in the medicine of oncology, neurology, and cardiology. Nevertheless, scientists will be able to use pharmacological agents to influence cell division, differentiation, and determination in the future. We also hope to have developed effective means of immunotherapy of diseases. The molecular mechanisms of cell aging and mediators involved in the mechanisms of cell aging and death are being studied in detail. The field of research contains countless fascinating studies that are sure to be discovered.


Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv

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