1. The Fall of Srebrenica and the Attitude of Dutchbat from an International Legal Perspective
2. the transcripts (September 27, 2002), atp.10309et seq., available at www.icty.organdwww.icty.org.
3. It should be noted in this context that the label "genocide" in legal terms does not invoke an obligation towards third states to intervene into the conflict. Such obligation may arise from the political discussion or be morally warranted, but it has no legal basis in the UN Genocide Convention or in the relevant state practice. The label "genocide" may, however, have bearing on the lawfulness of a possible humanitarian intervention; that is, on the right to intervene (as opposed to an obligation to intervene).
4. Allcock, John. B. (1998). "Intermarriage," pp.123-124. In John B. Allcock, Marko Milivojevic, and John J. Horton (Eds.) Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO.