Investigation of Teachers' Professional Satisfaction Levels according to Various Variables


Yurdakal İbrahim Halil1ORCID,Aktaş Mehmet Emin2ORCID,Selvitopu Himmet3ORCID,Yıldırım Sami3ORCID,Ceylan Fatma Rabia4ORCID



2. Honaz Halk Eğitim Merkezi

3. Merkezefendi Halk Eğitim Merkezi

4. Nezihe-Derya Baltalı Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi


For an effective education process, it is essential that both students and teachers are highly motivated. In this context, it is necessary to determine teachers' professional satisfaction levels and take political steps according to these levels. In this study, the professional satisfaction levels of teachers and whether these levels differ according to gender, graduation status, and education level were examined. The research is structured on the relational survey model, one of the survey models. The sample of the study consists of 255 primary school teachers. 157 of the participants were female, and 98 were male. While 159 teachers graduated from the faculty of education, 96 teachers graduated from different faculties. 12 teachers have college degrees, 190 teachers have bachelor's degrees, 51 teachers have master's degrees, and two teachers have doctorate degrees. The scale for determining the level of teachers' professional satisfaction (TPSS) developed by Yurdakal & Aktaş (2023) was used to collect data in the study. The Cronbach's Alpha value of the scale is 0.87, and it has three dimensions. The total variance value explained for the scale is 54.53%. The scale consists of 32 items. Necessary permissions were obtained during the data collection process. Then, the items in the measurement tool were uploaded to the Google form, and the data were collected online. Since the distribution was homogeneous, independent groups T-test was used to differentiate teachers' satisfaction levels according to gender and graduated institution variables. One Way Anova analysis was used for the education level variable. As a result of the research, teachers' professional satisfaction levels were determined as "medium level." Teachers' professional satisfaction levels do not differ according to gender in the overall scale and in the sub-dimensions. According to the graduated institution, differences were found in the overall scale and in the personal characteristics sub-dimension and administrative characteristics sub-dimension.


Uluslararasi Sosyal ve Egitim Bilimleri Dergisi

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