The History of Pupillography and Possibility of Its Using in Modern Ophthalmology


Sakhovskaya N. A.1,Frolov M. A.1,Kazakova K. A.1,Kolodkina M. G.1


1. RUDN University


Nowadays medicine has great opportunities for a detailed study of organs and systems, quick and accurate diagnosis of norm or pathology. Many diagnostic procedures are universal and are used by doctors of different specialties. Pupillography is a method of studying pupillary reactions, which is based on registering changes in its magnitude by photographing or filming. This study has found wide application in many areas of medicine, such as ophthalmology, neurology, narcology, general medical practice, for the diagnosis of different pathological conditions.Currently, in all areas of medicine, preference is given to objective diagnostic methods. In our country, much attention is paid to the development and introduction into medical practice of new technologies and minimally invasive research methods which purpose is timely accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of various diseases. The visual analyzer transmits visual information to the center of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the work of the sphincter of the pupil and to the center of the sympathetic division, which is responsible for the work of the dilatator. In the pathology of the visual organ, there is a violation of the correctness of information transmission, which can be used for basic research not only in ophthalmology but also in other specialties. Science and technology provides opportunities for ultra-thin, specific diagnostics and monitoring of various physiological and pathological states of organs and systems, the results of which are taken into account in many analyzing programs of the latest devices. Therefore, the importance of studying pupillary reactions is of great interest for many areas of medicine, and more specific studies can improve the accuracy of the diagnosis. This article describes the history of the development of pupillometric and pupillographic methods of research from the middle of the XVIII century and till modern devices. The importance of the study of pupillary reflexes for assessing the state of the visual analyzer and the possibility of using chromatic pupillometry is discussed, the main indicators of the pupillomotor system and their norms are given. Pupillometry provides the ability to accurately quantify changes in pupil size for clinical and research purposes. 


PE Polunina Elizareta Gennadievna



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