The Results of Studying Spatial Perception in Children with Ophthalmopathology Using the Technique of Copying Taylor’s and Rey–Osterrieth’s Figures


Rychkova S. I.1,Likhvantseva V. G.2,Sandimirov R. I.3


1. Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems of RAS

2. A.I. Burnazyan Federal Biophysical Center of Federal Medical-Biological Agency; Academy of Postgraduate Education of Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Assistance and Medical Technologies of Federal Medical-Biological Agency

3. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


The work is devoted to one of the actual problems of ophthalmology — the study of spatial perception in children with ophthalmopathology.Purpose of the work is to study the characteristics of spatial perception in children with ophthalmopathology using the technique of copying Taylor’s and Rey–Osterrieth’s figures.Patients and methods. 284 children aged 6 to 8 years were observed: 1) 135 children with operated convergent non-paralytic strabismus; 2) 53 children with organic pathology of the retina and optic nerve; 3) 96 children of the control group (without ophthalmopathology). The characteristics of spatial perception were evaluated according to the results of copying complex geometric figures — Taylor’s (with a right hand) and Rey–Osterrieth’s (with a left hand).Results. It is found that the distinguishing particularities of the group of children with non-paralytic strabismus are the smaller number of children copying the figures starting from the whole contour (using a deductive strategy) and the reduced quality of drawing compared to those in the group of children without ophthalmopathology. It is also shown that in children with organic ophthalmopathology these features relate to copying Rey–Osterrieth’s figure to a greater degree than copying Taylor’s figure, which may reflect a shift in interhemispheric relations in them towards more pronounced left-hemisphere activity.Conclusion. Thus, the method used in the work is informative, allows to identify the features of spatial perception in children with different ophthalmopathology and conduct a comparative analysis of its characteristics. 


PE Polunina Elizareta Gennadievna



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