Nonpharmacological Strengthening of Fibrinolysis in Complex Therapy of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma


Makogon S. I.1ORCID,Momot A. P.2ORCID,Makogon A. S.3,Shaternikova T. D.3,Bryukhanova Y. A.3


1. Altai State Medical University; Altai Regional Ophthalmological Hospital

2. Altai branch of the National Medical Research Center of Hematology

3. Altai Regional Ophthalmological Hospital


Purpose: to study the effect of dosed pneumatic vasocompression (DPVK) on the functional parameters of the organ of vision in patients with primary open-angle gluacoma in the complex therapy of this form of pathology.Patients and Methods. The study included 39 patients with stage II POAG, which were randomized into two groups: main and control. All patients received a conservative complex drug therapy. Patients of the main group were additionally conducted DPVK sessions — twice a week (only 4 procedures during the entire course of treatment). All patients underwent standard ophthalmologic examination, hemostasis and fibrinolysis.Results. In the main group of patients, 1 hour after the end of compression, an increase (from baseline) in t-PA level (by median — 1.4 times) was observed while reducing the content of PAI-1 (by median — 2.7 times); improvement of hydrodynamic indicators (improvement of the outflow lightness coefficient, by 19.04 % in OD and 20.0 % in OS, decrease in KB by 24.7 % in OD and by 22.3 % in OS from the initial level) and retinal sensitivity (decrease the number of cattle type 1 in both eyes: 1.70 times on OD and 2.14 times on OS, decrease in type 2 cattle by 2.70 (OD) and 2.30 times (OS). In this regard, an increase sites of normal retina’s photosensitivity in 1.14 times on the OD and 1.19 times on the OS, in contrast to patients in the control group, where no significant changes were found.Conclusion. The obtained preliminary results of the study indicate the prospects for non-pharmacological stimulation of fibrinolysis in the inpatient stage of the addition of conservative therapy in patients with POAG, achieved with a course of dosed pneumatic vasocompression.


PE Polunina Elizareta Gennadievna



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