A Clinical Case of Two-Stage Visual-Functional Rehabilitation of a Patient with Postinfectious Central Corneal Opacity in Combination with Mixed Astigmatism Using Laser Keratorefractive Surgery


Maychuk N. V.1ORCID,Mushkova I. A.1ORCID,Obraztsova M. R.1ORCID


1. S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution


Introduction: to evaluate the clinical and functional results of two-stage treatment in a patient with post-infectious Central corneal opacity combined with mixed astigmatism.Patient and methods. Patient N., 19 years old with postinfectious (postherpetic) Central corneal opacity, mixed astigmatism was examined and operated using two-stage corneal laser treatment. To determine the possibility of surgical treatment of the patient, a complex of General ophthalmology was performed (checking visual acuity near and far in natural conditions and in conditions of drug-induced mydriasis, IOP measurement, autorefractometry, examination of visual fields, A- and Bscanning, ophthalmoscopy with examination of the Central and peripheral areas of the fundus), as well as special (keratopography and Scheimpflug camera examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the anterior segment of the eye with analysis of the epithelial map, quantitative assessment (Schirmer test-1) and qualitative (tear film rupture time) lachrymal products, assessment of the epithelium state when stained with vital dyes and infrared meibography) research methods. To determine the activity of herpetic infection, PCR diagnostics were performed. The follow-up period was 2 years.Results and discussion. To achieve high visual-functional rehabilitation while preserving the native lens, a two-stage treatment algorithm was developed using technologies of laser corneal refractive surgery. At the first stage, in order to regularize the ocular surface and eliminate Central corneal opacity, an inverted topographically oriented PRK was performed; at the second stage, residual refractive errors were corrected using topographically oriented FemtoLASIK technology.Conclusion. According to the results of a literature search and analysis of Internet resources, there were no previously recorded and published works using a similar two-stage method. Therefore, the described clinical case justifies the relevance and novelty of the goal and has an evidence-based Foundation for the use of a two-stage laser keratorefractive treatment system in the ophthalmological practice of visual and functional rehabilitation of patients with Central corneal opacity in combination with mixed astigmatism or hypermetropic refraction. The two-year postoperative follow-up period showed stable and high visual-functional results with no recurrence of the inflammatory process.


PE Polunina Elizareta Gennadievna










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