Classification Features of Severe Stages of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (Clinical Cases)


Golovin A. S.1,Ovechkin I. G.2,Teshev A. F.3


1. Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital

2. Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

3. Adygea Republican Clinical Hospital


Purpose: analysis of clinical cases illustrating the classification features of severe stages of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).Patient and methods. Three clinical cases of PDR are presented, in which ophthalmoscopic signs (according to the classification of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, 1991) corresponded to severe PDR (high risk 1, high risk 2) and advanced PDR. The ophthalmological status was assessed using standard methods based on measuring the best corrected distance visual acuity, performing ultrasound (Opticon 2000, Italy), photographic recording of the condition of the fundus (Carl Zeiss Visucam 500, Germany) and optical coherence tomography of the macular region (on an RTVue-100 tomograph, OptoVue, USA).Results and conclusion. The presented clinical examples will provide the ophthalmologist with a more complete understanding of the clinical picture of pathological changes in the retina in diabetes mellitus, which will ultimately increase the level of diagnosis and tactics of surgical intervention both during the initial (preoperative) examination and after vitrectomy.


PE Polunina Elizareta Gennadievna







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