Men and Women Aging Differently


Barer Barbara M.1


1. University of California, San Francisco


Gender differences in health, socioeconomic status, and social resources persist into advanced old age and result in variations in life trajectories and responses to the challenges of longevity. The implications of these differences are examined in a sample of 150 community-dwelling white men and women. The majority are women, a high proportion of whom are unmarried, living alone, functionally impaired, and have reduced financial resources. Men, in contrast, have fewer decrements, they are more independent, and they exercise more control over their environment. However, their well-being may be undermined by some unanticipated events such as widowhood, caregiving, and relocation. Case examples illustrate how the timing of life course events differs among men and women and results in differences in the problems they face in late-late life.


SAGE Publications


Geriatrics and Gerontology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Aging

Reference12 articles.

1. Taeuber C. M., Sixty-Five Plus in America, Current Population Reports, United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, P23–178, 1992.

2. The Social Context and Resources of the Unmarried in Old Age

3. Old But Not Alone: Informal Social Supports Among The Elderly by Marital Status and Sex

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