1. University of the Balearic Islands
Verbal responses have frequently been used to measure aesthetic experience. They usually take the form of semantic judgments regarding specific aspects or dimensions of certain stimuli. The use of this kind of technique has produced a great amount of knowledge, but its combination with objective procedures can increase the validity and reliability of measurement. In this study, we set out to assess whether memory traces can serve as an objective control element for subjective aesthetic judgments. We analyzed the relation between aesthetic judgment and recognition of High Art and Popular Art visual stimuli by participants with and without formal art education. Results show that participants tended to give higher pleasantness and beauty ratings to those stimuli that have left a strong memory trace. Lower scores were awarded to stimuli they did not recognize well. However, originality and interest ratings did not follow the same trend. This disparity is discussed in relation to the dimensionality of aesthetic experience and the influence of formal art education on subjective measures of aesthetic experience.
Literature and Literary Theory,Music,Visual Arts and Performing Arts
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9 articles.