The Number of Americans without Health Insurance Rose in 2001 and Continued to Rise in 2002


Ku Leighton


Data from the Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that the number of uninsured Americans rose in 2001 and in the first quarter of 2002. The main reason insurance coverage fell was a drop-off in employer-sponsored insurance for workers and their dependents. This reduction was triggered by rising unemployment levels and rising health insurance premiums, which made it more difficult for employers to offer insurance or for workers to afford it. The downturn in private coverage was partially offset by increased enrollment in Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). About two million more children and one million more adults would have been uninsured had it not been for the growth in these programs. Funding for the public programs is, however, threatened by budget shortfalls affecting most states, which administer these programs. Many states have cut their Medicaid programs and are planning further cutbacks. Increasing federal assistance to states and their Medicaid programs could help protect insurance coverage for low-income people during the current economic slowdown. Future SCHIP enrollment could drop sharply because of a shortage of federal funds, and Congress could take steps to bolster SCHIP funding.


SAGE Publications


Health Policy

Reference11 articles.

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