Let the Numbers Speak


Lewontin Richard,Levins Richard


Although it is often claimed that statistical techniques are ways of letting the objective data speak for themselves, in both the contrast and correlational modes of statistical inference, all the real work is done by the a priori decisions imported into the analysis—which categories are to be used to create contrasting populations, which categories are to be measured, which categories are to be held constant while others are compared, and which is cause and which is effect? The authors explore here the problem of directionality of causation and the relationship between cause and effect, on the one hand, and dependent and independent variables, on the other. In systems of any complexity there are feedbacks–negative and positive feedbacks forming loops, embedded in larger contexts and subject to influences that can impinge on the loop at any point, such that the same pair of variables may show positive correlations in some situations and negative correlations in others.


SAGE Publications


Health Policy

Cited by 6 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Five Common Myths About Land Use Change and Infectious Disease Emergence;Earth Data Analytics for Planetary Health;2023

2. COVID-19 basic reproduction number and assessment of initial suppression policies in Costa Rica;Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena;2020

3. Social oral epidemi(olog)2y where next: one small step or one giant leap?;Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology;2014-07-14

4. Introduction to Philosophy of Complex Systems;Philosophy of Complex Systems;2011

5. Climate Change and Highland Malaria: Fresh Air for a Hot Debate;The Quarterly Review of Biology;2010-03








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