Sweet cassava cooking time


Azevedo Miranda LilianORCID,Aparecida Spinosa WilmaORCID,Miranda Destro Tainá Miranda Destro,Souza Junior HelioORCID,Nascimento VagnerORCID


Yield and culinary quality of tuber cassava roots can be influenced by several factors such as genotype, soil fertility, cultural management, climatic conditions, harvest, handling and storage after harvest as well as cooking ways. For consumers, the most important characteristics for sweet cassava roots are how fast they are cooked and its taste. Thus, the objective of this research was to the study the evolution of different methods to evaluate tuber cassava roots cooking time that can be used by breeders. It is essential that statistical analyses are realized, in order to arrive to confident results. Other important observations are the cost and ease of application of the methodology and whether more sophisticated equipment is available. Certainly, it is desirable an increase in carotenes, proteins, as well as yield, once for millions, sweet cassava is the main source of energy.


Editora Mecenas Ltda

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