Contamination by aerobic mesophilal and enterobacteriaceae bacteria in a pig refrigerator


Stadtlober Graziely Amorim Weiand,Fiorentini Ângela Maria,Severo Joseana,Bernardo Karin Buss Dias,Carvalho Ivan Ricardo,Loro Murilo Vieira


The study aimed to evaluate the knives, contact surfaces and carcasses for contamination by mesophilic aerobic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae, in a pig slaughterhouse in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The present study took place in a pig slaughterhouse, located in the Northwest Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, under the Federal Inspection Service (SIF). The experimental design used was randomized blocks organized in a bifactorial scheme, being for the knives: 3 (days of collection) x 3 x 15 (time of collection and knives from the slaughter and deboning process), totaling 135 experimental units for the knives. For water, main contact surfaces and pig carcasses, a unifactorial scheme was used: 3 (days of collection) x 12 surfaces (5 contact surfaces and 7 carcasses), totaling 36 experimental units. Knives used during slaughter operations are a form of contamination. There is deficiency in the pre-operational hygiene procedure of the utensils.


Editora Mecenas Ltda


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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