<p>The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) differences in Akidah<br />Akhlak learning outcomes of students taught with scientific approaches<br />with students taught with contextual approaches, (2) differences in<br />learning outcomes Akidah Akhlak students who have visual, auditory and<br />kinesthetic learning styles, and (3) the influence of the scientific approach<br />and student learning styles on the learning outcomes of Akidah Akhlak.<br />This research method is quasi-experimental with the population of this<br />study are students of class VII (Seven). The sample was chosen into two<br />classes with cluster random sampling technique, in this case selected for<br />the experimental class with a scientific approach is class VIIa with the<br />number of students 31, while for the control class that is the contextual<br />approach is class VIId with the number of students 34. Instruments of data<br />collection is a questionnaire and test of learning outcomes. The technique<br />by analysis of variance (Anava) at "α" = 0.05. The results of this study are:<br />(1) student learning outcomes taught with scientific approach (= 33.5)<br />higher than student learning outcomes taught with contextual approaches<br />(= 28,7), with Fcount = 68,10> Ftable = 3.988 , (2) student learning<br />outcomes with visual learning style (= 34.21) higher than student learning <br />outcomes with kinesthetic learning styles (= 28.38) and auditory learning <br />styles (= 27.69), with Fcount = 79,32 > Ftable = 3.988. And (3) there is an<br />interaction between learning strategies and learning styles towards<br />learning outcomes with statistical calculations known F count = 30,16><br />Ftable = 3.988. Further test calculations using the Scheffe test also showed<br />a significant difference between student learning outcomes taught by the<br />scientific approach and the contextual approach (CTL) as well as student<br />learning outcomes with visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles.</p>
MIQOT Jurnal Ilmu ilmu Keislaman
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