1. Eurasian Technological University
2. аl-Farabi Kazakh National University
3. Institute of Economics CS MSHE RK
The purpose of this study is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of regional differences using key economic indicators and identify regional disparities. The study used the method of multidimensional comparative analysis and the possibility of applying it to the assessment of the economic potential of the regions Kazakhstan. The assessment includes indicators divided into three groups: financial and economic conditions, business development indicators and the standard of living of residents. The level of tax collection reflects the economic activity and productivity of business in the region, the assessment of business development indicators provides valuable information about the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the region and the growth rates of SMEs and industry in the region, the assessment of the standard of living of residents allows you to get an idea of the quality of life in the region. Target indicators were selected for the assessment, such as the receipt of taxes to the budget and the National Fund of Kazakhstan, GRP, the number of SMEs and its share in GDP, investments in fixed assets, retail trade, population growth, Average wages, the population with an income below the subsistence minimum. The results of the study can be used both at the state and local administrative level to develop programs and strategies aimed at reducing regional disparities, stimulating economic growth, and improving infrastructure in underdeveloped regions.
The economy: strategy and practice, Institute of Economics Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan