1. Global trade rebound beats expectations but marked by regional divergences. World Trade organization, (2021) [updated October 04, 2021; cited December 12, 2021]. Available: https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres21_e/pr889_e.htm
2. Bureau of National Statistics, (2021) [updated October 10, 2021; cited November 11, 2021]. Available: http://www.stat.gov.kz
3. Official website of the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia, (2021) [updated October 10, 2021; cited November 20, 2021]. Available: https://www.armstat.am/ru/
4. Official website of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, (2021) [updated October 10, 2021; cited November 29, 2021]. Available: https://www.belstat.gov.by/
5. Official website of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, (2021) [updated October 10, 2021; cited November 11, 2021]. Available: http://www.stat.kg/ru/