1. Real and Potential Benefits of Bilingual Programmes in Developing Countries
2. Towards Adopting a Multilingual Habitus in Educational Development
3. Biesele, M. (2011). Juǀ’hoan (ktz) and ǂX’ao-ǁ’aen (aue) documentation in Namibia: Overcoming obstacles to community-based language documentation. Draft Submitted for publication from workshop on Applied Language Documentation in sub-Saharan Africa, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, Saturday, May 14, 2011.
4. Biesele, M., & Hitchcock. R. (2011). The Juǀ’hoan San of Nyae Nyae and Namibian independence: Development, democracy, and Indigenous voices in southern Africa. New York, NY: Berghahn Books.