1. Act on the right to use Sami in administrative authorities and courts. (SFS 1999:1175). https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/lag-19991175-om-ratt-att-anvanda-samiska-hos_sfs-1999-1175#:~:text=R%C3%A4tt%20att%20anv%C3%A4nda%20samiska%20hos%20f%C3%B6rvaltningsmyndigheterna %C3%A4rendet%20har%20anknytning%20till%20f%C3%B6rvaltningsomr%C3%A5det
2. Language and Agency
3. Baker, C. (2017). Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism (6th ed.). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
4. Belančić, K. (2022). Sámi children’s language use, play, and the outdoors through teachers’ lens. In S. S. Peterson & N. Friedlich (Eds.), Roles of place and play in young children’s oral and written language (pp. 53–66). Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
5. Belančić, K. (2020). Language policy and Sámi education in Sweden: Ideological and implementational spaces for Sámi language use [Doctoral dissertation, Umeå University]. Umeå, Sweden.