1. A maternal diet of fatty fish reduces body fat of offspring compared with a maternal diet of beef and a post-weaning diet of fish improves insulin sensitivity and lipid profile in adult C57BL/6 male mice. Hussain A., Nookaew I., Khoomrung S., Andersson L., Larsson I., Hulthén L., Jansson N., Jakubowicz R., Nilsson S., Sandberg A.-S., Nielsen J. and Holmäng A. (2013), Acta Physiologica, 209: 220–234.
2. Maternal beef and postweaning herring diets increase bone mineral density and strength in mouse offspring Hussain A., Olausson H., Nilsson S., Nookaew I., Khoomrung S., Andersson L., Koskela A., Tuukkanen J., Ohlsson C. and Holmäng A. (2013) Experimental Biology and Medicine 238:1362–1369.
3. A longitudinal dietary intervention study during pregnancy: effects on fish and meat intake gestational weight gain body composition changes and serum fatty acids. Boseaus M. Hussain A. Karlsson T. Andersson L. Hulthén L. Svelander C. Sandberg A.-S. Larsson I. Ellegård L. and Holmäng A.