Sundsbø Astrid,Fagertun Anette
Scandinavian University Press / Universitetsforlaget AS
General Materials Science
Reference20 articles.
1. Refugee integration policy the Norwegian way – why good ideas fail and bad ideas prevail
2. Omsorgssektoren som integreringsarena:
3. Fagertun A. (2021). Absorbing care through precarious labour: the shifting boundaries of politics in Norwegian healthcare. I H. Haukanes & F. Pine (red.) Intimacy and mobility in an era of hardening borders: Gender reproduction regulation (s. 199–217). Manchester University Press.
4. Fagertun A. & Tingvold L. (2018). Omsorgsarbeid kjønn og etnisitet. Flerkulturelle arbeidsfellesskap i norske sykehjem i møte med institusjonelle endringer. I J. Debesay & C. Tschudi-Madsen (red.) Migrasjon helse og profesjon (s. 173–193). Gyldendal.
5. The road to equitable healthcare: A conceptual model developed from a qualitative study of Syrian refugees in Norway