1. Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Corn “Rossorgo”
To improve the genetic-breeding characteristics of maternal forms, to increase their adaptive potential in breeding hybrids of agricultural crops (sorghum, African millet, corn, rice, sunflower, winter rye, etc.), various types of CMS are used. The article presents the results of studying the collection of CMS sorghum lines obtained on the basis of new sources of sterility (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, 9E and M-35-1A) by agronomic characteristics. On the experimental field of the Institute in 2014-2018. 21 lines were sown in a wide-row way with row spacing of 70 cm and a density of standing of 100 thousand plants per 1 ha. The allocation of plots of 7.7 m2 is randomized, in triplicate. The use of cluster analysis for the minimum of Euclidean distances allowed us to group CMS lines according to similar studied features: the 1st group includes 9; 2nd - 4; 3rd and 4th - 3 each; 5th and 6th - 1 line each. One-way analysis of variance confirms the validity of differences between groups by 18 selection criteria, with the exception of the extension of the panicle leg. A significant variation in vegetative (V = 11.0-21.6%) and generative traits (V = 13.2-28.4%) was found. The smallest coefficient of variation was revealed by the duration of the seedling-flowering interphase period — 4.8%, which indicates the maturity of most lines (in A2 KVV 181, A2 Suzern light, A2 AGS - 46.6 days). A five-year test of the source material made it possible to identify productive lines of the 5th and 6th groups (grain productivity 5.07-5.36, biomass - 18.30-20.70 t / ha); weakly growing lines of the 3rd group (total and productive bushiness 1.12-1.14), low-growing lines of the 1st group (plant height 81.0 cm). A1 Efremovskoye 2 is distinguished by tallness (143.3 cm), large sizes of flag and largest leaves (areas of 150.0 and 254.2 cm2, respectively). The selection of sterile lines with predetermined traits helps to optimize the selection process and their targeted use in crossbreeding programs.
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University
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