
Lukin A. A.1,Becz Yu. A.1,Naumova N. L.1,Rodionova I. A.1


1. South Ural State University (national research university)


The priority route of entry of carcinogens into the body of the population of the Chelyabinsk region is oral, the leading medium for the transfer of xenobiotics is food, and the main carcinogen is arsenic, which comes from local agricultural products. The aim of the research was to study the mineral composition of semi-finished products from poultry meat from different manufacturing enterprises in the context of the environmental component of the safety of agricultural products. Chilled drumsticks produced by Nagaybaksky Poultry Complex LLC (Chelyabinsk Region, Nagaybaksky District, Farshampenuaz settlement) and Turbaslinskiye Broilers JSC (Republic of Bashkortostan, Blagoveshchensk) were used as objects of research. It was established that the maximum permissible concentration for arsenic was 3.7 times higher in the products of the Nagaybak poultry complex. Chromium was found more in semi-finished products from Bashkortostan (29 times), tin – in local raw materials. The drumsticks cooled from the Nagaybak processor significantly exceeded the competitor’s raw materials in terms of calcium (7.6 times), iron (2.9 times), zinc (2.1 times), selenium (2 times), phosphorus (1, 5 times), silicon (1.3 times), sodium (12.4%), as well as copper, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, strontium. Relatively high levels of potassium (3.8 times) and magnesium (1.4 times), as well as aluminum, lithium, nickel, antimony, were recorded in the drumsticks of broiler chickens from a Bashkir producer. It was revealed that the semi-finished products of broiler chickens produced by Nagaybak Poultry Complex LLC did not comply with the requirements of Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 021/2011. The chilled shins of Bashkir production were recognized as safe within the framework of the current Technical Regulations.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


Pharmacology (medical)

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