Results of research on the productivity of fattening pigs in the technological module


Plaksin I. E.1,Trifanov A. V.1,Bazykin V. I.1


1. Institute of Agroengineering and Ecological Problems of Agricultural Production Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM


Due to the high intensity and profitability of production, pig breeding is an engaging activity for both large agricultural enterprises and farms. Today, however, all the production growth comes from large pig farms and complexes. The share of small-scale farms decreases annually due to the need for modern scienceintensive technical and technological planning solutions that reduce labor costs and maximize the use of animal genetic potential. To solve this problem, the authors have developed a project and manufactured a prototype of a technological module for fattening pigs. The fattening period of pigs was 100 days from the age of three months. Studies showed that average daily gains ranged from 520 to 906 g and feed conversion ratio from 3.05 to 3.6 depending on the year. The consumption of water, electricity, and labor required for animals to gain 1 kg of live weight varied in the range of 6.54-8.25 liters/kg, 0.028-0.069 kWh/kg, and 0.031-0.064 person-hours/kg, respectively. The content of harmful gases such as CO2, NH3, and H2S generally complied with the maximum permissible concentrations, except for some time intervals during the cold season, so it was proposed to install an additional forced air extraction system during this period. The effectiveness of using the developed technological module on small-scale commercial enterprises, based on the obtained technical and economic indicators, is comparable to the hands of large pig farms.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


General Medicine

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