Development of artificial potting soils mixed with various local agronomical ores, ameliorants, agricultural and manufacturing wastes


Asylbaev I. G.1,Nurlygayanov R. B.2,Sevostyanov M. A.3,Kuznetsov I. Yu.1,Islamgulov D. R.1,Alimgafarov R. R.1,Akhiyarov B. G.1,Avsakhov F. F.1


1. Bashkir State Agrarian University

2. Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy

3. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Establishment the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of a Phytopathology (RSRIP)


In the process of growth and development, cultivated plants synthesize dry matter by removing mineral nutrients from the soil. Therefore, the root layer of cultivated plants must be rich in elements of mineral nutrition. Their economic removal as a result of alienation from the grown crop requires a return to the soil to increase its fertility and ensure the productivity of the upcoming harvest. The research aims to develop artificial grounds mixed with various local agricultural ores, ameliorants, and waste from agricultural and industrial production, including macro- and microelements. Studies were conducted under artificial conditions in the phytotron of Bashkir State Agrarian University. In the control variant, oats had the highest productivity and plant survival (57.0%), slightly lower - in spring wheat (43.0%), and the lowest - in pea (28.0%) because of potting soil acidity. The authors believe that the addition of zeolite to the soil increases the productivity of peas by 20.0%; spring wheat by 20.9; oats by 24.0%; with phosphogypsum by 38.0, 24.9 and 30.0%, respectively. The most effective in the experiments was the variant of potting soils with defecate. The growth in pea plants was 44.0%, spring wheat - 29.10 and oats - 234.0%. Potting soils and their components have excellent prospects in crop production in Russia.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


General Medicine

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