Productivity and nutritional value of the green mass of varieties and hybrids of spring rapeseed in the conditions of the north-west of the Russian Federation


Chernysheva О. О.1,Vakhrusheva V. V.1,Pryadilshchikova E. N.1


1. North-Western Scientific Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Farming, named after A.S. Emelyanova


Scientific research was carried out on the experimental field of the North-Western Scientific Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Farming, a separate subdivision of the VolRC RAS (Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences), located in the village of Dityatyevo, Vologda region. The soil under the field experiment is soddy-podzolic, medium loamy, and medium cultivated. Spring rapeseed is a valuable oilseed, fodder and industrial crop. It can be successfully grown in most regions of the Russian Federation, including the Vologda region. In the field experiment, we studied the cultivation of two varieties of domestic breeding - Yubileiny and Nabat and three hybrids of spring rapeseed of foreign breeding - Smilla, Salsa KL and Mirakl. The authors studied the productivity and nutritional value of spring rape varieties in the conditions of the North-West of the Russian Federation for 2020 and 2021. In the current unfavourable weather conditions in 2020, the development phases were delayed due to insufficient heat supply and insufficient moisture in 2021, which negatively affected the spring rapeseed crops. Harvesting for green mass was carried out in the recommended phases of plant development - the end of the newborn stage and the beginning of flowering. The high yield of the green group in 2020 was provided by the domestic varieties Yubileiny and Nabat (14.1 and 12,3 t/ha), and in 2021 - hybrids of foreign selection Salsa KL and Mirakl (10.9 and 10.2 t/ha). In terms of protein and fat content in the green mass, the best indicators for two years of research are in the varieties Salsa Kl and Miracle (in 2020, protein - 14.1%, fat - 3.1-3.3%; in 2021, protein 14.4- 15.9%, fat - 2.6-2.9%).


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


General Medicine

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