Specialized objects of landscape architecture of the city of Novosibirsk


Vyshegurov S. Kh.1,Belanova A. P.2,Ponomarenko N. V.1,Palchikova E. V.1,Ivanova N. V.1,Biktimirova E. V.1


1. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

2. Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS


Today, a modern large city can only be imagined with specialised landscape objects. They belong to the group of public facilities, the functional feature of which is formed, as a rule, under the pressure of the city’s cultural, social and historical environment. The presence of such facilities provides a wide range of recreational activities and contributes to the multifaceted development of the personality of visitors. The article presents a methodology developed by the authors for assessing the attractiveness and integration into the urban gardening system of specialised objects of landscape architecture in Novosibirsk. The proposed method makes it possible to determine the popularity of an entity among the population, its accessibility, its performance of the prevailing function, the possibility of social integration of people with disabilities, and the organisation of the landscape on the territory. Five specialised objects of various functional orientations were identified in the structure of Novosibirsk. Among them, parks of communication with nature and protect flora and fauna prevail in number (Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Dendrological Park, Novosibirsk Zoo named after R.A. Shilo). These objects are also the most popular among the residents of the city. The main factor in attracting visitors to such sites is the cognitive function. The historical and architectural open-air museum needs to be better integrated into the system of urban landscaping due to poor awareness of citizens about this object, the lack of developed transport and pedestrian communications and unhindered access for all categories of citizens. The dendrological park needs a reconstruction of the landscape organisation and functional zoning of the territory; for this object, the problem of popularization among the city’s residents is also relevant in the course of the analysis of specialized landscape objects of Novosibirsk, the Central Siberian Botanical Garden, the Central Park, the Novosibirsk Zoo named after N.N. R.A. Awl. However, none of them fully meets all the necessary criteria. Reconstruction of varying degrees is required for each facility, considering social trends and modern processes.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


General Medicine

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