Results of the study of soybean varieties at Omsk agricultural research centre in the Kostanay region of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Omelyanyuk L. V.1,Sidorik I. V.2,Asanov A.1


1. Omsk Agricultural Research Center

2. Agricultural experimental station “Zarechnoye”


The authors conducted research from 2012–2021 at LLP Agricultural Experimental Station “Zarechnoye” of the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan. The experiment included early maturing soybean varieties bred by the Omsk ANC, approved for cultivation in the Russian Federation: Dina, Sibiryachka and Zolotistaya, also zoned in the Republic of Kazakhstan. From May till September 2012, 2014, 2019, and 2022 dry weather conditions were observed (HTC 0.40 - 0.69); arid (HTC 0.70 - 0.99) - in 2015 - 2017, 2020; moderately humid (HTC 1.00) - in 2013 and 2018 A significant positive effect on the duration of the growing season was provided by an increase in the HTC coefficient for the period May–September (r = 0.566) and in July (r = 0.444). An increase in precipitation lengthened the growing season to 113 days, and an increase in air temperature accelerated the growing season to 83 days (r = -0.353 and r = -0.440, respectively). The most stable was the plant height, which varied depending on the conditions of the year and variety from 55 to 76 cm - the coefficient of variation was about 10%. Significant varietal differences in average long-term values were revealed only by the number of pods per plant - the Sibiryachka cultivar had an advantage over the Dina and Zolotistaya cultivars, having formed an average of 36 pods per plant over ten years. The level of seed yield was significantly affected by the amount of precipitation (r = 0.608) and air temperature (r = 0.632) in June, as well as the number of productive nodes (r = 0.365) per plant. The increase in the share of protein was positively influenced by the rise in the amount of precipitation in June and in general for May–September: r = 0.415 and r = 0.581, respectively, as well as by the HTC for these periods: r = 0.362 and r = 0.561. A significant positive correlation was found between the protein content and the weight of 1000 seeds (r = 0.615) and a not high but significant positive correlation between the weight of 1000 seeds and the amount of precipitation in August (r = 0.375). The maximum seed yield and protein content in the experiment were noted in the Dina variety in 2016 - 2.78 t/ha and 40.6%, respectively. Variety Zolotistaya has the best resistance to stress in these indicators. Types differed in plasticity: Dina - in terms of yield (bi = 1.11) and Sibiryachka - in terms of weight of 1000 seeds (bi = 1.18). All varieties of the selection of the Omsk ANC included in the experiment can be used in breeding work in the conditions of the Kostanay region as sources of early maturity and yield - they need from 93 to 110 days to form more than 2.4 t/ha of seeds.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


General Medicine

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