Biologization of potato cultivation technology in Western Siberia


Maslennikova V. S.1,Tsvetkova V. P.1,Nesterenko V. A.2


1. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University; LLC NPF “Research Center”

2. Agricultural complex “Giant’s Gardens”


   As a result of studies conducted in 2014–2017. based on the agro-complex “Giant’s Gardens”, it was established that the biological product Fitop 8.67 had a fungicidal effect on Rhizoctonia while simultaneously having a growth-stimulating effect and increasing potato productivity in the conditions of the Novosibirsk region. The drug Fitop 8.67 helps to increase the biometric indicators of the early ripening potato variety Rosara, such as plant height (1.9 times), number of stems (1.6 times), and weight of 1 plant (1.2 times), compared to the control. At the same time, the drug helped reduce the prevalence of rhizoctoniosis during the growing season. The biological effectiveness of the medication at week 4 was 65.6 %. At week 6 – 83.8, and at week 10 – 80.5 %. Pre-planting treatment of potato tubers with the biological preparation Fitop 8.67 positively affected the crop’s formation. Under the influence of the microbiological complex, there was an increase in the proportion of tubers of the large fraction and a decrease in the small fraction. The average increase in yield over four years was 6.63 t/ha. The prevalence of rhizoctoniosis on tubers of the new crop in the experimental version decreased from 24.55 to 15.5 % in 2014, from 55.3 to 1.55 in 2015, from 62.0 to 15.6 in 2016 and from 40.67 to 4.1% in 2017. In this regard, we can recommend the use of the biological product Fitop 8.67 at a concentration of 1x106 CFU/ml for pre-planting treatment of tubers as a stimulant growth with fungicidal properties, to increase productivity, as well as to reduce the chemical load on the agrocenosis of the potato field.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

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