1. Arniek – branch FNTS «VIC them. V. R. Williams»
The study of ecological adaptability of different economic and biological indicators of intensive varieties of grain and leguminous crops for use in feed grain-grass crop rotation is aimed at increasing the production of high-quality concentrated feed. Objects of research: intensive varieties of spring wheat, barley, lupine (yellow, narrow - leaved and white), peas (sowing and field-PELs) and soybeans. In 3 experiments 13 varieties of spring wheat, 7 varieties of spring barley and 16 varieties of 6 types of legumes were studied. It was found that the adaptability of spring wheat, barley and peas against the background of intensive technology on a set of indicators above other cultures. The main stressor wheat varieties in the experiments, the deficiency of moisture and heat in the initial period of the growing season, spring barley - diseases (rust, leaf spot) pea pests (pea moth), Lupin, weeds and diseases, soy - sensitivity, lack of heat, weeds and disease.. On intensive soil fertility varieties of spring wheat «Lyubava», «Kamenka», «Madam», «Zlata» and «Rook» shaped grain crop at 7.3-8.0 t/ha, spring barley «Reliable» - 7.0 t/ha and peas «Before-100”-3,4 t/ha. the results of the comparison of the chemical composition and nutritional value of grain of different crops varieties have confirmed a special feeding value of soybean (14.5 and 15.3 MJ of energy; of 37.8-42.8 % of crude protein; The 17.8 was 23.0 crude fat in 1 kg DM), high contents of certain nutrients in the grain, other kinds: crude protein in yellow lupine (41,0 %) and white (of 37.3 and 39.9 %, respectively), starch - in cereals and peas (38,5 vs. 50.6 %), crude fiber - blue lupine (14,5-22,1 %), especially in determinantal varieties (of 20.9-22.1 per cent). Leguminous cultures were allocated by the greatest maintenance in grain of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and grain cultures - carrying out them with a crop. The grain of all kinds of lupine calcium content of the highest (3.8-5.5 g/kg), the lowest - in peas and wheat (0.8-1.1 g/kg BW).
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University
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