Changing some parameters in the production technology of camambre cheese


Getmanets V. N.1,Motnenko E. O.1


1. Altai State Agrarian University


One of the exclusive European products is camembert cheese. This is a soft cheese with a current consistency, rich taste, and aroma, with a characteristic crust, on top of which the white mould Penicillium camembert grows. However, the organoleptic characteristics of the classic camembert are particular and differ from the taste habits of Russians. Russian consumers do not like too fluid cheeses and flavorful. This has caused a lot of problems with its sale. In this regard, the purpose of the research was to adjust the primary operations in the technological map related to the processing of cheese grains and moulding, as well as the selection of starter cultures. In our research, we suggest that after cutting the clot, the cheese grain should be set and the moulds filled utterly, reducing the cost of cheese moulding. The second factor that we propose is the use of domestic mesophilic starter culture MN (AltaLact). Organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological parameters were determined in the finished cheese samples. So, the cheese taste was creamy when using the domestic starter culture MN (AltaLact) and setting the cheese grain after cutting the clot. The mushroom had no bitterness on the aftertaste and no "ammonia" taste. Using a stabilised technology, we increased the concentration of dry substances due to the production of cheese grains, which allowed us to slow down the proteolytic activity of microorganisms. Thus, the fat content in the dry matter was 59%, which is more by 2% than with traditional moulding and by 3-1% relative to the starter Danisko MM101, depending on the processing of the clot and the moulding method. The stabilised technology will increase the nutritional value by increasing the protein content in cheese; in our study, the protein content increased by 0.4 – 0.9%. Thus, the research results substantiate the practicality of making adjustments to the production technology of camembert cheese.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

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