
Uglov V. A.1,Boroday E. V.1,Stankevich S. V.1,Paimulina A. V.1,Doronina G. V.1


1. Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agrobiotechnologies RAS


In the article, the authors substantiated the importance of dumplings with fish in modern dietology. They proved the need to increase the share of semi-finished fish in the diet of the population of the Russian Federation, which currently does not exceed 2%. Compared to beef, pork, and lamb, the proteins of salmon fish are characterised by a higher content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have a higher digestibility (98%), which reduces the energy costs of the human body. The role of dumplings with fish in the diet of various groups of the population of the Russian Federation has been established. The authors present the optimal recipe for fish dumplings based on minced salmon enriched with amaranth flour and pumpkin. The formula is based on a combination of fish raw materials as a source of complete, easily digestible proteins with vegetable raw materials, which are highly biologically active. Based on the biochemical parameters of vegetable raw materials, the use of amaranth and pumpkin in the formulation is justified. Furthermore, the choice of amaranth flour is associated with a high complete protein content, an optimal balance of amino acids in its composition, and squalene, which has antitumor activity. The inclusion of pumpkin dumplings in the recipe is due to its rich vitamin composition and low-calorie content, at most 28 kcal / 100 g of product. A study was conducted to determine the toxicity and safety of dumplings, which was carried out using the automated software complex “Biolat” on the protozoa Paramecium caudatum. The security of both experimental and control batches of dumplings has been established. In addition, the amino acid composition of fish dumplings has been studied. Experimental and control samples contained almost all essential amino acids. Compared to the control batch, an organoleptic evaluation of enriched fish dumplings was carried out. Enriched dumplings received a higher organoleptic rating according to the results of tasting (4.7 and 4.56 points, respectively).


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


Pharmacology (medical)

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