Concept of sheep breeding development


Tsyngueva V. V.1,Samokhvalova A. A.1,Vyshegurov M. S.1


1. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


   The article substantiates the development of a concept for the development of sheep breeding in the Trans-Baikal Territory, the implementation of which will make it possible to comprehensively ensure the development of the industry, taking into account the local breed composition of animals, the availability of agricultural land, and the functioning of breeding organisations. The concept formulates the goal, objectives, object, and research subject. The main directions of the developed concept are: obtaining organic sheep products - meat, milk, wool, sheepskin; ensuring a unified processing cycle for sheep products, incl. wool, from raw materials to yarn; maintaining environmental balance (preventing desertification); efficient use of agricultural land; expansion of exports of sheep products. The main directions of the developed concept are: obtaining organic sheep products - meat, milk, wool, sheepskin; ensuring a unified processing cycle for sheep products, incl. wool, from raw materials to yarn; maintaining environmental balance (preventing desertification); efficient use of agricultural land; expansion of exports of sheep products. The principles and the possible effectiveness of the proposed directions for the development of sheep breeding are determined. The recommended activities will facilitate selection and breeding work between agricultural producers and breeding organisations, the creation of a consumer cooperative to ensure integrated processing of sheep products, the development of new technologies for improving natural pastures, the use of pasture rotation and the development of organic sheep farming, and export activities of processed sheep products.


Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

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