Vi. Contributions to the knowledge of lower carboniferous plants. - Part III. - On the fossil-flora of the black limestones in Teila Quarry, Gwaenysgor, near Prestatyn, Flintshire, with special references to Diplopteridium teilianum KIDSTON sp. (gen, nov.) and some other fern-like fronds



Kidston (1889) described a small collection of fossil-plants from the Black Limestones exposed in a quarry at Teilia Farm close to Gwaenysgor, a village lying about one mile South of Prestatyn in Flintshire. From the vertical distribution elsewhere of the species found at Teilia he concluded that the flora was of Lower Carboniferous Age and that it compared more closely with the flora of the Calciferous Sandstone Series than with that of the Carboniferous Limestone Series of the Lower Carboniferous Succession of the Scottish and Northumberland area. In 1924 I found on visiting the quarry that the plant-bearing beds were still fairly accessible, although the quarry had not been worked for many years and was considerably overgrown with vegetation. With the grant kindly placed at my disposal by this Society, I had the beds opened up and obtained a fairly large collection of fossil-plants and animals. This collection enables me to add considerably to the list of species recorded by Kidston in 1889 and to extend our knowledge of the morphology of several plants of Lower Carboniferous Age. Several new species were found and descriptions of these will be given.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference60 articles.

1. Proc. Camb;Goode R. H.;Phil. Soc.,',1915

2. B u r e a u E. (1914). " Bassin de la Basse Loire " Ministere desTravaux publics Paris.

3. Ca r p e n t ie r A. (1913). *Mem. Soc. Geol.' (Lille) vol. 7 pp. 93 133 357 and 372.

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