In the following paper an account is given of the investigation of the metabolic products formed from glucose by various species of fungi belonging to different genera. These species were chosen for investigation since the carbon balance sheets prepared for them, when grown on Czapek-Dox glucose solution, indicated that each of them gives rise to considerable quantities of some metabolic product. The isolation, identification and approximate estimation of these products are described in detail. The species of fungi chosen for examination were the following: (а)
Helminthosporium geniculatum
Tracy et Earle. Catalogue No. Ag. 93. This species was purchased in 1925 from the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures at Baarn. For carbon balance sheet, see Part VI, Table VIII, p. i ll . (b)
Clasterosporium species
, Catalogue No. Ag. 64. This species was isolated at Ardeer in 1924 from decaying cotton pulp, and its diagnosis was confirmed by Mr. F. T. Brooks, of the School of Botany, Cambridge. For carbon balance sheet, see Part VI, Table XII, p. 118. (c)
Aspergillus Wentii
Wehmer. Catalogue No. Ac. 81. This species was received from Miss Church, of the United States Bureau of Agriculture, at Washington, and bears the Thom and Church Catalogue No. 4202 • 16C. For carbon balance sheet, see Part III, Table XI, p. 45. (d)
Fumago vagans
Pers. Catalogue No. Ag. 92. This species was purchased from Baarn in 1925. For carbon balance sheet, see Part VI, Table XI, p. 116. (e)
Penicillium species
. Catalogue No. Ad. 11. This species was isolated at Ardeer in 1922 from mouldy tobacco and was diagnosed by Dr. Charles Thom as “ Ad. 11—one of the
P. chrysogenum
lot.” For carbon balance sheet see Part IV, Table V, p. 63.
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