New Zealand, New Zealanders and the Royal Society



On 5 May 1768 Lieutenant James Cook was chosen by the Admiralty to take command of a Royal Society expedition funded by George III on the ship Endeavour , the purpose being to sail to a suitable point (Tahiti) in the Southern Pacific from which to observe the transit of Venus across the Sun on 3 June 1769. It was thought that, by observing the transit from different points on Earth, it would be possible to determine the distance of the Earth from both Venus and the Sun. The Royal Society asked that Joseph Banks (then a young Fellow aged 25) and a group of seven be allowed to join. Among them were two artists, Alexander Buchan and Sydney Parkinson, who were employed to draw views and specimens of natural historical interest, and Daniel Carl Solander a distinguished Swedish natural historian. Banks’s enthusiasm ensured that the voyage was exceptionally well equipped to handle natural historical discoveries. Having observed the transit of Venus, Cook was secretly under orders from the Admiralty then to sail to 40° south in search of the supposed Great Southern Continent; if not encountered, he was then to head due west to find the east coast of New Zealand. Following these instructions, Cook arrived at New Zealand on 6 October 1769. He then initiated the first detailed geographical survey of New Zealand, and Banks and Solander began putting together their rich collections of New Zealand flora; Cook also observed the transit of Mercury in Mercury Bay. On his second voyage in 1772 Cook went further south, entered the Antarctic circle twice (to 71° 10' S) and ruled out the existence of a Great Southern Continent, and first defined Antarctica as we know it. He returned to London in 1775 to be promoted to Captain and elected to the Royal Society. Banks went on to be elected President in 1778, a post which he held for nearly 42 years. Three other ties between Cook and the Royal Society include the naming of the Society Islands after his sponsors, the testing of a new chronometer for them, and a report to the Society on scurvy, which was to have great consequences for the future health of seamen. The Royal Society was thus instrumental in making possible Cook’s voyages, the outcome of which was a set of pioneering geographical, botanical, geological and anthropological descriptions of New Zealand. Here we trace some aspects of the subsequent interactions between New Zealand and the Royal Society by outlining the careers of relevant Fellows, namely (a) those foreign-born Fellows (30 identified) who spent parts of their careers in New Zealand, and (b) those New Zealand-born scientists (34) who have been elected Fellows for their work, whether carried out in New Zealand or elsewhere.


The Royal Society


History and Philosophy of Science

Reference6 articles.

1. Dictionary o f New Zealand Biography and Dictionary of National Biography. Library Industrial Research Ltd. Gracefield (former DSIR).

2. Who's Who Who was Who and Who's Who in New Zealand.

3. Science, settlers and scholars: the centennial history o f the Royal Society o f New Zealand', by Sir Charles Fleming;Roy. Soc. Bull.,1987

4. Biographical Memoirs o f Fellows of the Royal Society London.

Cited by 6 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Cataloguing the new world: Colenso’s Glossarium Botanicum: Novae Zelandiae;Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand;2017-03-01

2. New Zealand-born Fellows of the Royal Society;Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand;2012-06

3. Rutherford and Raman - Nobel laureates who had difficult early journeys to success;Journal of Raman Spectroscopy;2011-10-27

4. A Survey of the History of Science in New Zealand 1769-1992;History Compass;2010-06-04

5. The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship Part 1. 1731–1847;Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London;2002-09-22







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