A computer implementation of a theory of human stereo vision



Recently, Marr & Poggio (1979) presented a theory of human stereo vision. An implem entation of that theory is presented, and consists of five steps, (i) The left and right images are each filtered with masks of four sizes that increase with eccentricity; the shape of these masks is given by ∇ 2 G , the Laplacian of a Gaussian function, (ii) Zero crossings in the filtered images are found along horizontal scan lines, (iii) For each mask size, matching takes place between zero crossings of the same sign and roughly the same orientation in the two images, for a range of disparities up to about the width of the mask’s central region. Within this disparity range, it can be shown that false targets pose only a simple problem, (iv) The output of the wide masks can control vergence movements, thus causing small masks to come into correspondence. In this way, the matching process gradually moves from dealing with large disparities at a low resolution to dealing with small disparities at a high resolution, (v) When a correspondence is achieved, it is stored in a dynamic buffer, called the 2 1/2-dimensional sketch. To support the adequacy of the Marr-Poggio model of human stereo vision, the implementation was tested on a wide range of stereograms from the human stereopsis literature. The performance of the implementation is illustrated and compared with human perception. Also statistical assumptions made by Marr & Poggio are supported by comparison with statistics found in practice. Finally, the process of implementing the theory has led to the clarification and refinement of a number of details within the theory; these are discussed in detail.


The Royal Society


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Business, Management and Accounting,Materials Science (miscellaneous),Business and International Management

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