Correlation of marine events and glaciations on the northeast Atlantic margin



Stratigraphic units representing high-sea-level events in Britain, northern France, Belgium, The Netherlands, northwest Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, are correlated by aminostratigraphy ( D (alloisoleucine)/ L (isoleucine) (ratios from Littorina littorea, Macoma balthic, Macoma calcarea and Arctica islandica ). The eight sealevel events recognized are modelled with the constraints provided by the oxygenisotope signal of sea-level variability, and available geochronometric age determinations for calibrating the D/L data. These data are used to constrain the timing and extent of glaciations in the British Isles and Scandinavia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene.


The Royal Society


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Business, Management and Accounting,Materials Science (miscellaneous),Business and International Management

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