Cecil Edwin Henry Bawn. 6 November 1908 — 19 September 2003


Puddephatt Richard J.1


1. Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, London N6A 5B7, Ontario, Canada


Cecil Bawn was a physical chemist with particular expertise in chemical kinetics. Early in his career he made pioneering studies of free radical reactions in the gas phase and, during the war years, on the chemistry of high explosives. From mid career, he was one of the pioneers of polymer chemistry and established and led a strong and diverse group of polymer scientists at the University of Liverpool. He was a private and enigmatic person, with a strong sense of duty. His caring and helpful attitude was greatly appreciated locally by his students and younger faculty members. Nationally, he made outstanding service contributions to physical chemistry and polymer chemistry.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference28 articles.

1. Decomposition of solids accompanied by melting—Bawn kinetics

2. Anthony Ledwith CBE. 14 August 1933—5 January 2015

3. Ledwith, A. & North, A. M. (eds). 1975 Molecular behaviour and the development of polymeric materials. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

4. The initiation of styrene polymerization by phenyl titanium tri iso propoxide and titanous tri iso propoxide

5. The catalytic action of hydrogen on the carbon monoxide flame;Garner W. E.;J. Chem. Soc,1932








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