Sir Rex Edward Richards. 28 October 1922—15 July 2019


Gadian David G.1


1. Developmental Imaging and Biophysics, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK


Rex Richards was renowned for his research in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Very early on, in the late 1940s, when NMR was in the domain of physicists, he foresaw that the technique might play an important role in chemistry. He embarked on a highly successful research career in which he combined the design and development of new NMR spectrometers with novel applications, initially in chemistry and subsequently in the biological sciences. One major outcome was the establishment of the Oxford Enzyme Group's NMR research programme. Another was the development of 31 P NMR spectroscopy as a non-invasive method of probing the biochemistry of intact biological tissue. Rex was an outstanding teacher and mentor. He also had highly impressive administrative skills, as recognized through successive appointments at the University of Oxford as head of the Physical Chemistry Department, then warden of Merton College and finally vice-chancellor. He was subsequently appointed director of the Leverhulme Trust and became widely respected in the arts world, as reflected by his remarkable array of committee memberships at the National and Tate Galleries.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference44 articles.

1. Mapping of metabolites in whole animals by 31P NMR using surface coils

2. Nuclear Induction

3. Colyton Grammar School 2021 Welcome to Colyton Grammar for life: school history. (

4. Colyton Parish History Society not dated. A brief history of Colyton. (

5. Contraction and recovery of living muscles studied by31p nuclear magnetic resonance







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