Ray Freeman. 6 January 1932—1 May 2022


Keeler James1,Morris FRS Gareth A.2


1. Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK

2. Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK


Ray Freeman pioneered many of the important advances in the technique of liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: he changed fundamentally the ways in which chemists and structural biologists use NMR. Born in Nottingham, he was an undergraduate chemistry student at Oxford after National Service working with radar, and completed his Part II and doctoral research with Rex Richards (FRS 1959). After brief spells with Anatole Abragam (ForMemRS 1983) in Saclay, France, and at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, he worked for 10 years in the research department of Varian Associates, Palo Alto, USA. He was appointed as lecturer in physical chemistry and tutorial fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1973, and subsequently promoted to Aldrichian praelector. In 1987 he was appointed to the John Humphrey Plummer chair at the University of Cambridge, where he remained active in research long after his retirement in 1999, publishing his last paper at the age of 84.


The Royal Society

Reference56 articles.

1. Two‐dimensional spectroscopy. Application to nuclear magnetic resonance

2. Coherence transfer by isotropic mixing: application to proton correlation spectroscopy;Braunschweiler L.;J. Magn. Reson.,1983

3. Net polarization transfer via a J-ordered state for signal enhancement of low-sensitivity nuclei;Burum D. P.;J. Magn. Reson.,1980

4. Application of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy to Magnetic Resonance

5. Two-dimensional correlation of connected NMR transitions








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