1. Bode H. W. 1945 Network analysis and feedback amplifier design. New York NY: D. Van Nostrand.
2. James H. M. Nichols N. B. & Phillips R. S. 1947 Theory of servomechanisms (ed. L. N. Ridenour) vol. 25 of MIT Radiation Laboratory Series. New York NY: McGraw-Hill.
3. Maciejowski, J. M. 1989 Multivariable feedback design. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
4. Smith M. C. 1982 A generalised Nyquist/root-locus theory for multi-loop feedback systems. PhD thesis University of Cambridge.
5. Ridenour, L. N. (ed.) 1947–1948 MIT Radiation Laboratory Series, vols 1–27, with an index (vol. 28) in 1953. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.