1. Mus^Rattus 12^14 age of the Potwarmus^Antemus: Progonomys lineage Jacobs & Downs (1994)
2. Glis^Dryomys 31 ¢rst identi¢cations of Leithiinae lineages d Hartenberger (1994)
3. Sciuridae^Aplodontidae 37 sciurid identi¢cations since the Late Eocene McKenna & Bell (1997)
4. Canis^Felis 65 ¢rst occurrence of viverravines (Felis lineage) Garland et al. (1993 p. 289)
5. Equus^Ceratotherium 56 equoids and tapiroids at the start of the Eocene Garland et al. (1993 p. 290)